Artist Retreat Design Competition

Location: Undisclosed Coastal City

Term: Spring 2019

Partners: Henry Tittman (BSArch 19’), Adams Fenelon (BSArch 19’)

Placement: People’s Choice Second Place

Bedroom View.jpg


The four-day design competition aims for teams to design an artist retreat module on a coastal site. The goal was to design a layout that was adaptable, have a strong indoor outdoor relationship, and create a connection to six to eight other residences on the site.

Our artists’ retreat follows a tree-like pattern creating a central core that branches out to increasing secluded spaces. A central gathering space becomes the heart of the community bringing every artist together. Artists then retreat in pairs to their separate residences, each comprising of an open living area where the two can relax and eat together, and a secluded space where each artist can sleep and create.


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